Physics (Abusive)
Tool Desync
"DFIntSimBlockLargeLocalToolWeldManipulationsThreshold": "-1"
Remap R6 to R15 Rigs/Weird Movement
"FFlagRemapAnimationR6ToR15Rig": "True"
Weird Leg Movement
"DFFlagAnimatorPostProcessIK": "True"
Adjust Hip Height Clamps
"DFIntHipHeightClamp": "-48"
Random High Jumps
"FFlagSimAdaptiveTimesteppingDefault2": "True",
"DFFlagSimHumanoidTimestepModelUpdate": "True"
"FFlagSimAdaptiveTimesteppingDefault2": "True",
"DFIntSimAdaptiveHumanoidPDControllerSubstepMultiplier": "-999999",
"DFFlagSimHumanoidTimestepModelUpdate": "True"
No Animations ✨
Stops the game from trying to replicate your animations in the server. You dont have animations in the server but you do for your client
"DFIntReplicatorAnimationTrackLimitPerAnimator": "-1"
Delayed Animations
"FFlagProcessAnimationLooped": "False"
Stick unanchored parts to you
- = up, + = down
"DFIntSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-1000",
"DFIntNonSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-5000"
Max Raycast Distance
Raycasting is the use of intersection tests to solve problems in Roblox. The most common use of raycasting is to determine the first object intersected by a ray. This is done by casting a virtual ray from a certain point in a direction and determining the first surface it intersected with.
Break legs collision from 2 to -inf, kinda break camera on values over 3 noclip cam on 3
"DFIntRaycastMaxDistance": "3"
Possible Super Jump
"DFIntNewRunningBaseGravityReductionFactorHundredth": "1500"
Change DataSender Rate
A.k.a does not let you load games
"DFIntDataSenderRate": "-1"
Disable Touch Events
"DFIntTouchSenderMaxBandwidthBps": "-1"
Fake Lag ✨
"DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "1"
Invisible 1
Stops the physics on your character froms sending to the server so your character doesn't move for the server. You can move on your client.
"DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "-30"
Invisible 2 ✨
Locks your character's position on the server to (0, 0, 0), having the side effect of turning you invisible. This only affects the server and other clients, not you. server-sided things that rely on your position, like clicking to get tools, will not function. In some games these can be abusable. Here is a list of them: Link
"DFIntGameNetPVHeaderTranslationZeroCutoffExponent": "10"
Clientsided Invisible
"FIntParallelDynamicPartsFastClusterBatchSize": "-1"
Warp & Slowmotion ✨
"DFIntMaxMissedWorldStepsRemembered": "1"
"DFIntMaxMissedWorldStepsRemembered": "1000"
Noclip 1
Adjust the value so you don't fall through the ground
"DFIntAssemblyExtentsExpansionStudHundredth": "-50"
Noclip 2
Adjust the value so you don't fall through the ground
"DFIntSimBroadPhasePairCountMax": "50"
Hip Height ✨
Very controllable bounce, only works with negative values
0 allows you to hover
"DFIntMaxAltitudePDStickHipHeightPercent": "-200"
Wallglide ✨
"DFIntUnstickForceAttackInTenths": "-4"
Network Ownership
better network ownership of parts
This might get you banned in some games with anticheats (Limbobbia)
"DFIntMinClientSimulationRadius": "2147000000",
"DFIntMinimalSimRadiusBuffer": "2147000000",
"DFIntMaxClientSimulationRadius": "2147000000"
Slide on Terrain/Meshes
"DFIntSmoothTerrainPhysicsRayAabbSlop": "-9999"