Graphical Settings
Increased Grass Motion & No Grass Motion
"FIntGrassMovementReducedMotionFactor": "999"
"FIntGrassMovementReducedMotionFactor": "0"
No Bloom/Clouds
"FFlagRenderNoLowFrmBloom": "False"
Render Occlusion Culling
"DFFlagUseVisBugChecks": "True",
"FFlagEnableVisBugChecks27": "True",
"FFlagVisBugChecksThreadYield": "True",
"FIntEnableVisBugChecksHundredthPercent27": "100"
Increased Particles on low graphics
"FFlagDebugDeterministicParticles" : "True"
Makes stuff slightly brighter
"FFlagRenderFixFog": "True"
Better shadows
Loading will take longer but the shadows are much better
"FFlagRenderInitShadowmaps": "true"
"FFlagDebugCheckRenderThreading": "True",
"FFlagRenderDebugCheckThreading2": "True"
Maximum Threads
"FIntRuntimeMaxNumOfThreads": "2400"
Minimum Threads
"FIntTaskSchedulerThreadMin": "3"
Object Reflection Support!
"FFlagObjectReflectionSupport": "true"
Smoother Terrain
"FFlagDebugRenderingSetDeterministic": "True"
Vertex Smoothing Group Tolerance
- The FIntVertexSmoothingGroupTolerance flag controls the tolerance level for vertex smoothing groups in 3D graphics.
- Lower values result in lower smoothing quality as more errors are tolerated, making models appear more angular and less smooth.
- Higher values increase the smoothing accuracy, leading to smoother, more visually appealing models with fewer artifacts.
"FIntVertexSmoothingGroupTolerance": "1000"
Force Graphics Quality Level
"FIntRomarkStartWithGraphicQualityLevel": "1"
Disable Player Shadows
"FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0"
Unified Lighting Blend Zone
Smaller value = FPS boost > Bigger value = FPS loss
- Explanation:
- Controls the distance over which light transitions blend.
- Lower values create sharper transitions.
- Higher values make transitions smoother.
"FIntUnifiedLightingBlendZone": 400
Disable Shadows
"DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapHighQuality": "2147483647",
"DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapLowQuality": "2147483647"
Simulation Optimization Flag
Optimization, latency, delay FFlag
"FFlagSimEnableDCD16": "true"
Limits light updates
"FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMax": "8",
"FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMin": "6"
Preserve rendering quality with display setting
"DFFlagDisableDPIScale": "True"
Low Graphics Quality w/ Max Render Distance/FRM Quality Levels
1-6 Are low graphics, Above 6 are high graphics. Like the 1-21 graphics slider
"DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "1"
FRM Levels
1 = 3
2 = 2
3 = 6
4 = 7
5 = 11
6 = 14
7 = 15
8 = 17
9 = 18
10 = 21
Old Version of FRM
Graphics quality will use an older approach/method which may help improve FPS for some users.
"FFlagFRMRefactor": "false"
FRM 21 Graphics Quality Slider
"FFlagCommitToGraphicsQualityFix": "True",
"FFlagFixGraphicsQuality": "True"
Low Render Distance
"DFIntDebugRestrictGCDistance": "1"
Simulation Optimization Flag
Be mindful that while optimization can improve performance, it may also require testing to ensure that the behavior of sets remains consistent and that no necessary details are lost during the optimization process.
- The DFFlagSimOptimizeSetSize flag is used to optimize the size of sets in simulations.
- Enabling this flag activates optimization techniques that reduce the size of simulation sets, leading to better performance by decreasing memory usage and potentially improving processing speeds during simulations.
"DFFlagSimOptimizeSetSize": true
Limits light updates
"FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMax": "8",
"FIntRenderLocalLightUpdatesMin": "6"
Directional Attenuation Max Points
Lower values: May improve performance but reduce lighting accuracy. > Higher values: Increase lighting accuracy at the cost of performance, potentially leading to slower rendering, especially in scenes with complex lighting setups.
- Explanation:
- Limits the maximum number of sample points for calculating directional light attenuation..
- Lower values improve performance but may reduce lighting accuracy.
- Higher values increase lighting accuracy but may slow rendering in complex lighting setups.
"FIntDirectionalAttenuationMaxPoints": "400"
Disables fade in and fade out animation every light update
"FIntRenderLocalLightFadeInMs": "0"
Makes avatars shiny
Everything goes black on below <3
DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride is there to set your graphics to 3 bars
You can change it to anything above 3
"DFIntRenderClampRoughnessMax": "-640000000",
"DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride": "6"
Disable PostFX
"FFlagDisablePostFx": "True"
Pause Voxelizer/Disable Baked Shadows
"DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True"
Gray Sky
Only applies to games with the default skybox
"FFlagDebugSkyGray": "True"
Force LOD on Meshes
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistance": "0",
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL12": "0",
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL23": "0",
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL34": "0"
Lighting Attenuation
"FFlagNewLightAttenuation": "True"
New Version of Render
Enables an updated rendering system to improve performance and manage render calls.
"FFlagRenderCBRefactor2": true
Enable GPULightCulling
Combine with Lighting Attenuation for better vision
"FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True"
Enable CPULightCulling
"FFlagDebugForceFSMCPULightCulling": "True"
Frame Buffer
0 makes white screen 1-3 makes other players have laggy movement, 4 is stable has better performance than 10 and less input lag
"DFIntMaxFrameBufferSize": "4"
Smoother/Faster Input
When enabled the game will use an updated implementation for processing user input, which may lead to smoother and more responsive interactions.
- This flag controls the refactoring of the legacy input handling system in Roblox.
- Recommendation: Test your game thoroughly after enabling this flag to ensure that everything functions as expected.
"FFlagLuaAppLegacyInputSettingRefactor": true
Low Quallity Terrain Textures
4 for less quality 16, 32, 64 for higher quality
"FIntTerrainArraySliceSize": "4"
Force Texture Quality
Set any value from 0-3
"DFFlagTextureQualityOverrideEnabled": "True",
"DFIntTextureQualityOverride": "3"
Lower Quality Textures
"DFIntPerformanceControlTextureQualityBestUtility": "-1"
No avatar textures
"DFIntTextureCompositorActiveJobs": "0"
Texture Manager
1-4 Blurry, 5-7 low quality also removes studs, 8 Removes almost everything
"FIntDebugTextureManagerSkipMips": "-1"
Remove Grass
"FIntFRMMinGrassDistance": "0",
"FIntFRMMaxGrassDistance": "0",
"FIntRenderGrassDetailStrands": "0",
Force MSAA
Values: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8
Values over 4> will cause viewport bugs
"FIntDebugForceMSAASamples": "4"
Remove Unrequired Connections
Disconnects unrequired connections, better memory usage
"FFlagUserUpdateInputConnections": "true"
Raycast Performance Improvements
Uses workspace:Raycast() instead of worldmodel:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList()
"FFlagUserRaycastPerformanceImprovements": "true"
ShadowMap Bias
Future & ShadowMap only
"FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "75"
No Shaders
Requires OpenGl Render
"FFlagGraphicsGLEnableSuperHQShadersExclusion": false,
"FFlagGraphicsGLEnableHQShadersExclusion": false
Render Shadow Skip Huge Culling
Skipping shadows of large objects in the distance
"FFlagRenderShadowSkipHugeCulling": "true"
Render Skip Reading Shader Data
Skips reading shader data
"FFlagRenderSkipReadingShaderData": "false"
Shoe Skip Render Mesh
Skips shoe rendering
"FFlagShoeSkipRenderMesh": "false"
Limits number of animations being played
0 removes most player animations, 1-5 removes the walk animation after jumping
"DFIntMaxActiveAnimationTracks": "0"